
Camp Monserrate and Camp Holy Child

The Julian Reiss Foundation exists for the primary purpose of operating its youth camp programs, which are conducted on its property located off Saranac Avenue, just outside the village of Lake Placid.

On its property, the Foundation owns and operates two separate and distinct camp facilities, Camp Monserrate and Camp Holy Child, which are about a half mile apart from each other and connected by a private dirt road. Each location includes a converted barn in which there is a dining room, kitchen, toilet and shower facilities, classrooms and a large recreational hall. Nearby are sleeping cabins, each designed for 12-16 campers and two counselors.

A beautiful rustic chapel provides a center for spiritual life and worship, and is shared by both camps. Athletic fields, ball courts and a swimming pool provide opportunities for a variety of sports. Campers also use the extensive hiking trails in the area and canoe on nearby Lake Placid.